Friday, January 20, 2012

They Are Legion, They Never Forgive, They Never Forget

Hello Fellow Laughing Gas Addicts.

Today I decided to blog on only one subject and that happens to be the 'hackivist' group known only as Anonymous. These internet outlaws have decided to jump on the Occupy movement in a very different way. If the Occupy Movement would be called the Army then Anonymous is the Air Force, they take to the internet and do what they do best, hack websites.

Lately they went and attacked the FBI website along with the Department of Justice, bringing their sites down and the great government finally got it back up not long ago. Seems like they really don't know what they're doing or what they're dealing with.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the Government really doesn't know how to combat a group like Anonymous, sporting Guy Fawkes masks and taking their message to famous sites like Youtube and Twitter they spread a message of a free world where the poor man is not crushed by the corporate big wigs and the government. They have taken down sites, released the personal information of police officers caught beating peaceful protestors and more stuff then I'd like to get into.

Everything that Anonymous has said they would do they have backed up, they said they would bring down a website, they did it. They said they would help the Occupy Movement, they done it. They hacked a website and stole over one million dollars to donate to charities. I don't hate to say this but it seems Anonymous has the interests of the people in their minds more then the government does.

Their ranks grow by the day, people joining their cause to bring freedom and democracy back to the United States but I can guarantee you this readers, they're not going to stop there. They will take to the globe, correcting everything they see wrong with this world, the United States is a stepping stone to something much bigger and I think this legion has bigger plans in the future but its yet to be seen that they will win this war they are waging on the United States Government.

And how will the Government respond? They can't mass troops to fight a war like they normally would, they will have to fight the battles on the internet, take the fight to Anonymous and beat them at their own game. If the government has any chance of winning a war against these elite hackers then they will have to enlist hackers of their own and hope they are better then who they're fighting. And whats to say that even stops Anonymous, these guys seem to be adapting and evolving as this plays out, when one thing gets compromised they move onto another before they are caught.

Sure the United States Government has arrested suspected ten members of the hacking group but whats to say that they weren't Anonymous at all, just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. We will have to wait and see what happens in this little cival war readers, it may be quite interesting to watch.

Y'all come back now, you hear?

Laughing Blogger.  

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